Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Wax Poetic

A bit of respite, a time of rest,
A time to be quite, a time to be blessed,
A time to rekindle, a chance to reclaim.
Cell phones off, e-mails unread,
Appointments forsaken, late to bed,
Vacation, vacation, vacation is thy name.

I think that I shall never see,
A poem as lovely as the sea.
Forgive me Joyce Kilmer, I could not resist,
Your words were so perfect to convey the gist.
What you saw in trees, and I love them too,
Is equally true of earth's blanket of blue . . .
Ah, turquoise as jewels and green as a pea.

Creation . . . brings beauty and order into swirling chaos.
Re-creation . . .  peace creeps in and settles down.
Vacation, God's gift of sabbath rest, is thy name.

Ah, vacation.

Dr. Mike
Tanned, rested, and thankful.